A Journal of Discovery through the eyes of a real-life resident of Park and Market North Hills
What did we ever do before social media? Having the latest and greatest information on everything from friends to favorites makes my day. Today, I noticed a tweet from Raleighing titled Surf North Hills! That got my attention, and so did the news item attached, North Hills unveils a slew of new shops.
The new shops coming to North Hills, one right after another, are amazing! That really says something about our local economy, doesn’t it?
Where else could you work up a sweat doing the latest ballet barre dance exercise, cool down with a guilt-free frozen yogurt, add a massage for good measure, pick up a wedding gift for your sister, meet with her real estate agent, buy a new surfboard, create your own blend of oil and vinegar and have it bottled just for you, find the perfect necklace, then meet the gang for some friendly high-tech bowling… all in one afternoon?
Stay tuned, I’ll definitely be checking out these latest shops and let you know what’s up. Park & Market, you are the home that just keeps surprising me!